0 iPhone NEWS : Latino Suntini Version 1.1

Latino Suntini Description Una grammatica latina completa e pratica. Verbi ma
anche fonologia, sostantivi, aggettivi, pronomi, le coniugazioni….tutti
schematizzati in comode tavole.

0 iPhone NEWS : Flirt Scanner – The Dating Prophet Version 1.0

Flirt Scanner The Dating Prophet Description Intended for entertainment
purposes only! Let your friends believe that you can tell them their chances
before trying to pick up that hot girl / boy! Flirt Scanner is a fun app which
simulates the scanning of other persons body functions to predict willingness
for flirting and also provides the matching pickup line.

0 iPhone NEWS : LetterMpress Version 1.2.0

LetterMpress Description LetterMpress is a creative environment that lets you
design beautiful compositions with vintage wood type and art cuts on a virtual
hand-driven printing press. LetterMpress gives you the experience of producing
your designs on a letterpress â€" placing and arranging type on the press
bed, inking, and then turning the hand crank to make a print

0 Humour : Anthony Kavanagh présente l'iPhone 6

L’iPhone est tellement un succès que les humoristes ne se privent pas de l’utiliser pour nous amuser. Dans le cadre de l’émission Nous avons les images, Anthony Kavanagh et ses compères parodient la traditionnelle présentation de l’iPhone par les cadres d’Apple. Vous allez voir en avant première à quoi ressemblera l’iPhone 6 et quelles seront les nouvelles fonctionnalités du smartphone.


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